

The Chicago branch of CORA is based in and around Chicago, IL. Please Contact Branch Director Nuha Babool (847-371-1727‬) if you are interested in joining or leading this branch!

Total historical members: 26

Approximate active members: 16


Nuha Babool Branch Director

Zenia Babool Media Coordinator

Aaliya Bhaidani Assistant Director

Event Showcase: Get Well cards!

CORA Chicago members worked with a local hospital to create “get well” cards for patients and veterans!

Event Showcase: Volunteer Food Packaging!

CORA Chicago volunteers alongside dozens of other volunteers and organizations successfully packaged 62,208 meals that will be shipped to a developing country, feeding 170 kids for a year.

Event Showcase: Clean Up!

CORA Chicago members engaged in a beach cleanup at Loyola beach to help preserve the Lake Michigan beaches!

Event Showcase: Nursing home volunteering

CORA Chicago members volunteered at the Bello Terra Nursing home!